Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Hello, Internet!

Hello everyone! I am Corinne, a twenty-something lady training for a 10k at the end of August. More specifically, I'm training for the Disneyland 10k.

Now, I've never been one of those crazy people who actually likes running. I'm the friend you take along when you want to eat sushi until you can no longer feel your legs, or the one you invite over when you feel like marathoning an entire season of Scrubs in one weekend. I'm good at eating food and watching tv, and I am not good at running 6.2 miles for fun in August.

So why am I doing this to myself? What possessed me to run a 10k for my first ever organized race? I mean, the farthest I'd ever run in my life before January was one mile. And the last time I'd run was probably in high school. Why a 10k?!

Well, due to my eating food and watching tv skills, I'm also pretty good at being out of shape. I can spend all day in bed with the best of them, but I want to be able to run with the...well, maybe not with the best of them. I want to be able to run with the mediocre runners! If it were any other race, I might be despairing. But guys. This is Disneyland, the place where dreams come true! I can rise to mediocrity here! I believe in myself.

So this is the Corinne Chronicles--an adventure in accountability. I'm going to attempt to post something daily for the whole month of May, spurred on by a 30 Day Challenge to a Better You. My goal for this month? Do something active every day, post every day, and run at least six miles a week. Look out Disneyland, here I come!