Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Day 1: The Run

I don't know about you guys, but the hardest part of running for me isn't the running part--it's the getting off the couch part. I usually get in my workout clothes first thing in the morning...and then proceed to NOT work out. I find all kinds of tasks that absolutely need to get done immediately, and if it pushes my workout back, well, that's kind of how life goes, right? There's always tomorrow!

So I got in my workout clothes at 9 this morning. It's 3 pm now here, and I only just finished my run. Six hours after I planned on going. An inauspicious start to my Month of Being Awesome, but at least I ran! I got a two mile run done, so that means I only have four miles left to run this week to meet my goal!

Now, granted, I'm still running INSIDE. I think my runs are going to be a lot tougher when I start running in the 100 degree heat. But all in all, I'm proud of myself. I can do this, and I will do this!


  1. Something that might help would be to leave the house immediately after putting your workout clothes on. Don't even look at anything else. Get dressed and then go straight for the door!

    Congrats on the two miles! That's awesome!

  2. Props to you for getting over the initial procrastination. I tend to procrastinate all day until there is no possible way the task can be done. Keep up the good work!
